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Herbal Products

315 Items

Gu Sui Bu - Granules (100g)G1296

Drynaria  (Rhizoma Drynariae)  骨碎補

Item # : G1296

Category : Single Herb Granules

Gou Teng - Granules (100g)G1292

Gambir  (Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis)  鉤藤

Item # : G1292

Category : Single Herb Granules

Gou Qi Zi - Granules (100g)G1290

Lycium Fruit  (Fructus Lycii)  枸杞子

Item # : G1290

Category : Single Herb Granules

Ji Xue Cao (Han Ge Cao) - Granules (100g)G1282

Gotu Kola  (Herba Centellae)  積雪草(蚶殼草)

Item # : G1282

Category : Single Herb Granules

Geng Mi - Granules (100g)G1278

Rice  (Semen Oryzae)  粳米

Item # : G1278

Category : Single Herb Granules

Ge Gen - Granules (100g)G1272

Pueraria Root  (Radix Puerariae Lobatae)  葛根

Item # : G1272

Category : Single Herb Granules

Gao Liang Jiang - Granules (100g)G1270

Galanga  (Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum)  高良薑

Item # : G1270

Category : Single Herb Granules

Gao Ben - Granules (100g)G1268

Ligusticia (Kaopen)  (Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici)  藁本

Item # : G1268

Category : Single Herb Granules

Gan Jiang - Granules (100g)G1264

Ginger (Dried)  (Rhizoma Zingiberis)  乾薑

Item # : G1264

Category : Single Herb Granules

Gan Cao - Granules (100g)G1262

Licorice  (Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae)  甘草

Item # : G1262

Category : Single Herb Granules

Fu Zi [Zhi] (Zhi Fu Zi) - Granules (100g)G1260

Aconite (Prepared)  (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata)  附子(製)

Item # : G1260

Category : Single Herb Granules

Fu Xiao Mai - Granules (100g)G1258

Wheat (Levis)  (Fructus Tritici Levis)  浮小麥

Item # : G1258

Category : Single Herb Granules